So I'll admit it, I love Pinterest! I've wasted way too many hours pinning away, and I have a Food & Stuff board where I save all the fun food ideas I see. But who actually goes back to their pins and makes something? Well I've decided to start trying some of the awesome and not so awesome recipes, and sharing them on here! Last week I tried one (that I forgot to document) that were corn muffins with tofu hot dogs inside, like little corn doggies! They were fabulous with a bowl of veggie chili! YUM!

So as I was prowling my Food & Stuff board, I found a very intriguing 'too good to be true' recipe I pinned long ago, Diet Coke Brownies! NO WAY, RIGHT? Well this was just too simple, that I had to try it!
I happened to have a can of Vanilla Coke Zero on me, but I didn't want to screw anything up, so I bought a bottle and measured out 12 ounces (and finished the rest off mahhh-self). I don't have a picture of what it looked like when I mixed it, but boy was it foamy! I was a little concerned, but kept on going! So here's the very complicated recipe (for official sake):

1 can Diet Coke
1 Box Brownie Mix
Bake at whatever temp, but mine didn't take too long, so I would check about 10 minutes before.
So here's the verdict:

Not too bad. One of my lovely roommates was home to test them with me, and we both decided that we had confused feelings about these little babies. They came out a bit gelatinous and the after taste is a bit strange (but thats probably from the aspartame and other chemicals in the diet coke).
My other roommate's fiancé just tried them as well and said they taste like those TV dinner brownies (the package with the penguin on it) and I totally agree! One of those things where you know it's not going to taste to fantastic, but the novelty makes you want it anyway!
And if you want to know... The blog I got the recipe on said if you cut them into 24 pieces, then they are about 105 calories each and have 0.5 grams of fat...
So I would consider these a minor success! Since they don't taste bad, they are not a total failure! Will I do these again? Maybe, but I may try using a Coke Zero instead, since it doesn't have that much of a chemical taste... But try them out! Fun, creative and new ways to bake and cook are always an adventure and usually have good stories to go along with! Oh and if you were concerned with what I was watching while I baked today, it was a National Geographic documentary called Bear Island, which was all about this relatively secluded area in Alaska that is one of the last places where brown bears live in a large population.
Here's the blog I got the recipe from: http://auntpegsrecipebox.blogspot.com/2011/02/diet-coke-brownies.html#.UGeJKBxeDw4
Pictures were all take by me!