
Welcome to Food and Stuff, a blog that is documenting my senior year of college through the food I make! This should be a jolly good time and I'm happy you're here to share it with me! I may even have random Food Funnies every so often, which you won't want to miss! So put that apron on and gather your bowls, this is going to be fun!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Pumpkin Muffins!

So I only have a few days until my life gets a whole lot crazier!! On Tuesday, I leave for the American Anthropological Association 2012 National Meeting in San Francisco!! Myself, and some of my comrades are presenting research we completed last year, so it's going to be super exciting! Plus a trip to San Fran! Double cool! Then it's off to Thanksgiving break!

Anyways, so since I'm leaving soon, I decided to use up my excess pumpkin! I've already made pumpkin pie and pumpkin cookies, so naturally pumpkin muffins come next!!!!


I specifically looked fore a recipe that used applesauce, because well I was feeling saucey... hahaha just kidding (not really)! The recipe is super simple, mix the dry ingredients and add the wet, mix until its all silky smooth and put into greased muffin tins... Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes, and voilà! C'est fini!

While I was baking these delicious muffins, I was doing some test corrections for my Human Biology and Evolution class, it took me forever to find information on bipedalism beginning in the Miocene... which I finally found. Gosh this is boring me just thinking about it!

To escape this, here's an ecard my BFF sent me:
PERFECT!! (insert laughter here)

Well, this was a short and simple post, but lemme tell ya, those muffins we DELISH! They will be fantastic during my long long weekend in the library! I may ask the librarians if I can just rent a couch and stay there for the night tomorrow, just joshin' but you get the point...It's going to be a LONG weekend...

Vi Ses,

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