
Welcome to Food and Stuff, a blog that is documenting my senior year of college through the food I make! This should be a jolly good time and I'm happy you're here to share it with me! I may even have random Food Funnies every so often, which you won't want to miss! So put that apron on and gather your bowls, this is going to be fun!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Fig and Cherry Thumbprints

Well I made it through the first week of school alive. Hallelujah! Classes are pretty good, no dreadful ones this semester (like Health Psychology last time!). For a bit of perspective here's what I'm taking in this FINAL SEMESTER during my undergraduate career:
Anthropology Capstone (the cumulative Anth course);
Human Biology Lab (bones, bones, bones);
Gender and Communication;
Digital Photography;
and I'm a TA in Ethnography (research, how I love you)!
Oh and a ton of fun activities with Anth Club!

It's about to get crazy! BUT don't fret, dear friends, I will keep baking!

So to kick off the semester, I made some thumbprint cookies, since I have some delicious jam! 
Fig Butter and Cherry Jam! YUM

Here's the recipe!
Click to Enlarge

Man, oh, Man! 
These hit the spot! 
I sure needed something sugar-y and carb-y, and these are perfecto!

Fancy some Cherry?

Or some Fig? (I think Sir Isaac Newton would be proud!)
Get it, Fig Newton?
Both kinds are super delish, and my roomie (who doesn't typically go nuts for thumbprints) and she really liked these! These ones taste just like fancy Fig Newtons!! 

Well I best get back to my Primate reading! And listening to my new Mika CD, which is fabulous and you all should go check it out!!

Have a great weekend! 
Vi Ses,

P.S. Here are a couple pictures from my recent adventure to San Francisco!

CHAM, last weekend in San Francisco
And P.P.S. Game of Thrones is coming back soon!! 
My love, Jon Snow!

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